What a hectic few days! On the plus side, I got my swap parcels from Claire (at
http://dollydollop.blogspot.com/ ) and Clare (at
http://littlebearstories.blogspot.com/). It was the flower swap on Sew Scrumptious' blog
http://sewscrumptious.blogspot.com/ and the color swap on Claire's blog.
The parcels were lovely! I have no idea how to post pics but I will attempt it in a second, but I really am touched by the effort that these two talented ladies put in.
So being a swap, I had to give them something in return. I knitted some things for Clare (it might get confusing with the two Claires/Clares!) but had to rip one item out totally and start again. Bah. Then yesterday I was hoping to finish off sewing some bits on the sewing machine and somehow the foot came off. No idea how, and no idea how to fix it. So off I toddled into Dartford to get some bits to supplement the package and the beamer on the car was on and wouldn't come off. I had no idea how to do turn it off - well, I do but it wouldn't come off for love nor money. So I drove round and round looking for a garage and eventually someone agreed to look at it and said 'oooh love, you need a new thingymajigtechnicalword but it obviously needs a good looking over. Thingymajigtechnicalword costs £100 but I couldn't tell you how much it would be to look over it. I won't know till I open the car up....but it does need it.'
Oooookay. So flick a few switches, scratch your (balding) head and throw in a few mechanical words and you think you have me conned? I don't think so! Luckily my OH knows a mechanic and in the meantime they had spoken so Ricky told me to go back home and just turn on the engine every 40 mins. So I carried on shopping for a bit then went home. Shortly after I got in, Ricky got home, looked at the car, and wouldn't you know it, he turned the lights off! Argh. I had one mechanic, one mechanic receptionist and one kind random stranger look at it and switch things on and off and nada. Smug hubby comes along and voila. Bah.
So anyway it really took up my sewing time so I was burning the midnight oil (well, the 1am oil) sewing. Not happy with it but I have sent it off as I felt awful that I had received mine and Clare and Claire hadn't. The queue at the post office was massive (WHO sends Easter eggs in the post?? Well, half of Bexleyheath do, apparently)
Anyway, I have swap-itis. I really need another swap to get my teeth into! I've signed up for this one
http://notesfromlapland.blogspot.com/2010/02/secret-post-club.html but need more!! What am I saying?!