Monday, 29 March 2010

Ideal Home in an Ideal World

Well it's been a busy few days! The Ideal Home show was manic but not as good as years gone by. Things were very, very expensive! We dreamt though. 3D TV's where the fishes swim towards you, hot tubs in the garden with it's own entertainment system, huge handmade wooden carved bedframes....

We did walk away with a few bargains...some oven cleaner (we're such rocknrollas!) and ....wait for it....chamois leathers! Ok so not entirely exciting but the demo's were really, really good! We also bought some huge beanbags (one each and a kids one for youknowwho) that are going to be delivered in a few weeks. I wanted to wait for the renovations to be finished but Big Kid Ricky wants it now! I also bought some mags which I promptly left behind but my aunt went back yesterday and picked some up for me.

The next day we left Liam with mum and drove up to Manchester for a wedding. I knitted one Swap Item on the way there (almost finished- I have it with me at work today to almost finish up in my lunch break) and did some sewing of another item on my way back. Then last night, whilst my eyes were fighting gravity I almost finished another item. Tonight I am going to top and tail some bits and tomorrow night I will get the sewing machine out for my last final bits!

I was talking to Ricky about this - although everything I make is a mess as I am not good at sewing or knitting at all, I have put a lot of effort and thought into it all. It's so much nicer and more fun doing swaps than going out and buying shop vouchers for peoples birthdays. I know that my swap partners will appreciate the effort that has gone into it. It really is a feel good thing cos I have totally forgotten that this is a swap- ie, that I am also getting something in return! The thought of that makes things even more exciting!!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Weekly update!

Well I've been busy-ish! Can't remember if I told you but the square I was knitting for the baby blanket went missing in the post? Well the girl who I had sent to now has it (insufficient postage!) so it's being put together as we speak.

I also made the puff for my friend- it ended up being squishy but she loves it and is using it as a big mother of a cushion! Liam liked it too so it's definitely on my list for next month.

I'm working my way through my swap to-do's. Obviously I can't go into too much detail yet but I'm hoping to have it all done by a week today- well, it has to go in the post then so it HAS to be done by then!!

Off to the Ideal Home Show this week to get some homey ideas and inspiration. I'm so excited! We've kind of decided on-
kitchen and tiles (red and white)
bedroom furniture (Ikea) (though we saw a bedstead that we love. Our divan is boring but perfectly ok so in a dilemma...!)
bedroom wallpaper (black and silver)
bathroom suite and tiles (white suite, green tiles)
dining room furniture (Ikea)
hallway style (brilliant white and bright coloured photo frames and lightshades

Woooo hoooo!

Friday, 19 March 2010

To do!

I've not been on here much as I've been busy with knitting.

I finished the square for the group knitting baby blanket. It sort of got lost in the post but eventually found its way there (insufficient postage-cry!). I've also sent on my secret birthday knit which I think she liked. I'll post a pic (yeah right) soon but it was a hot water bottle cozy with Debbie Bliss chunky cashmerino yarn. Soooo snuggly!

Anyway I am getting on with my colour and flower swaps. Basically I have to send someone five items of their favourite colour, and someone else 5 items flower related. Of the flower items, one has to be flower seeds, another has to be handmade and another has to be ..oh dear, mind has gone blank! Oh that's it- the other has to be a FQ of flowery fabric, and they must also receive a lavender sachet. I've got the seeds and the fabric sorted, and have started on one other item. I need to get on with the rest tonight, then work on the colour swap on Sunday.

I've finished knitting a puff. "A puff" I hear you say- "what's a puff?". Well, it's this All I need to do is stuff it and sew it! It's for my friends who have just bought a house. It's smaller than I thought it would be but it will do for when she needs to put her feet up from her long trek home from the train station!

After the weekend I am going to start and hopefully finish a baby blanket. I couldn't find a pattern so I am going to wing it! I think it will be something like cast on 60 st with aran. K5, yo, k2 slsk or something. Is slsk even a knitting abbrieviation? Anyway we have a long old car journey up to Manchester on Friday for a wedding and we're leaving Liam with mum so it's a good opportunity to knit. I won't be knitting on my way home- I'll be feeling sick with too much weekend alcohol.

So that leads us onto April folks! If I don't type this I fear I won't do this is my April to do list!

Make 5 tote bags
Make 5 Jordy bags (I have a lot of fabric in the garage and we are fingers crossed touch wood hopefully getting huuuuuuuuuuuge renovations done to the house so I need to declutter!)
Start on this (hip to be square blanket)
A jumper for Liam (though I am resigned to this not working out at all)

I also want to learn crocheting. I am mad.


Monday, 8 March 2010

Monday to- do's!

I've not done anything here for a WEEK! Naughty me...

But I have been a little productive at home. I made a cake for mum. It's a pity it was too big for the tin so we had to leave it at home, much to Ricky's delight. Instead I had to get one from Sainsbury's and take it out of the box and stick it in the tin and pretend it was homemade. Unfortunately Sainsbury's don't make messy uneven cakes with icing that drips off the side so she knew straight away!

I also knitted the square for the amazing girl whose baby died shortly after being born. Anastasia was her name and she was beautiful. The square wasn't though so I didn't take a picture. I will post a link to the finished article but I am so annoyed with myself for knitting such a terribly ugly thing.

I've started to knit a baby blanket for my brother's friends. I've made a few mistakes and it's going to take me aaaaages but I'm getting there, slowly. I need to make a start on my swaps this week too. And I need to finish something else I am knitting.