Monday, 20 September 2010

It's been quiet....

...but not quiet in the Sew.Vanilla household!

Our house- after three months of packing, wallpaper stripping, endless trips to Ikea, scrimping, saving, dusting, cleaning, priming, painting, glossing, sanding, wallpapering, curtain making, flatpacking, back to Ikea to pick up spares, and so on and so on, we are IN!

I love my new house! Our builders were fab, our plasterer was less so but we have smooth walls so can't complain. I don't think we'd change a thing. It's really going to have a positive effect on our lives. We're so much more organised now and we've decluttered to the max. Liam is loving the openplan nature, running in and out, in and out, all day long.

I love what we've done- the colours, the furniture, the light that comes through, the kitchen, the flooring, the bathroom tiles- oh my goodness, the bathroom tiles! I can't wait to show you pics but we've hit a wall as there are still things that need to be unpacked but we haven't done that yet cos frankly, unpacking is boring.

My sewing stuff is all unpacked though, of course! Everything has a home now, so it's going to be much more fun sewing now. It won't take me all evening looking for a seam ripper. And....I have my very own, brand new sewing machine! It's not a cheapo, and it's not my mums trusty New Home- it's mine, all mine! I got it for my birthday- can't wait for Ricky to come off his stupid night shifts so that I can make some noise!

Oh and I'm back to swapping again! I'm not going to do as many as before because I was just spending too much time and money, neither of which we have much of at the moment but I'm hoping to do a couple between now and Christmas!

...but not quiet in the Sew.Vanilla household!

Our house- after three months of packing, wallpaper stripping, endless trips to Ikea, scrimping, saving, dusting, cleaning, priming, painting, glossing, sanding, wallpapering, curtain making, flatpacking, back to Ikea to pick up spares, and so on and so on, we are IN!

I love my new house! Our builders were fab, our plasterer was less so but we have smooth walls so can't complain. I don't think we'd change a thing. It's really going to have a positive effect on our lives. We're so much more organised now and we've decluttered to the max. Liam is loving the openplan nature, running in and out, in and out, all day long.

I love what we've done- the colours, the furniture, the light that comes through, the kitchen, the flooring, the bathroom tiles- oh my goodness, the bathroom tiles! I can't wait to show you pics but we've hit a wall as there are still things that need to be unpacked but we haven't done that yet cos frankly, unpacking is boring.

My sewing stuff is all unpacked though, of course! Everything has a home now, so it's going to be much more fun sewing now. It won't take me all evening looking for a seam ripper. And....I have my very own, brand new sewing machine! It's not like the cheapo ones that I have bought and failed to even turn on, and it's not my mums trusty New Home- it's mine, all mine! I got it for my birthday- can't wait for Ricky to come off his stupid night shifts so that I can make some noise!

Oh and I'm back to swapping again! I'm not going to do as many as before because I was just spending too much time and money, neither of which we have much of at the moment but I'm hoping to do a couple between now and Christmas!